Construction guide

Category Description

The construction sector is the essence of the UAE economy, and it is very encouraging to see that the industry is expecting rapid growth in the coming years. The construction industry plays a crucial role in the economic uplift and development of the country.

The UAE Construction Market has fragmented by Sector into commercial constructions, Residential constructions, Industrial constructions, Infrastructure (Transportation) constructions, and Energy and Utility Constructions.

Speaking about Dubai construction, there are over 1.500 main freehold developments and communities on a large scale that has turned Dubai into one of the fastest-growing cities globally. There are several large-scale projects which are currently under construction or will be in the future.

For people with a desire to build a house around UAE, PLANNING is the most crucial part of building a new home, which is where you should start. This stage typically means you think of your needs and style, set a budget, research, and look for service providers and people you want to include through Guidexme.


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Dubai, UAE

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